Saturday, July 28, 2012

Felicity Scarf & Cowl Projects Booklet

I just received my copies of photos for the Felicity Scarf & Cowl Project Booklet. It's always so exciting to see something in print for the first time.

This booklet is now available for purchase from Universal Yarns. The neat part about working with Universal Yarns is that I retain the ability to sell these patterns as well! I will have each pattern available on Ravelry and here on my website separately. I'll post as soon as the individual leaflets are ready.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Total Contentment Pill

Another gem from the vintage magazine stack was found today! - an advertisement featuring a miracle weight loss drug called the Total Contentment Pill from McCall's Needlework & Crafts, Fall 1977. Well now! Doesn't that sound like a great idea? And who knew? - You can get a 120 day supply for only, the new low price of 11.95! Kinda sounds like something that we would all later find out is actually speed but was "as safe as a cough drop."

Personally, the part I enjoy the most is the promise of "never again suffer embarassing fat build-up for the rest of your life." I guess more interesting to note is that a few years later, they had to shell out money to customers that were unsatisfied because the advertisement told them it would last for forever.

I think I need to order me up some of these :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Legend of the Origin of Felt

A month or so ago, a couple came in and left five bankers boxes filled with really, really old patterns - some of them dating from 1919. I wanted to give them a look over before Diana decided what to do with them. It was then, I came across a copy of American Felt Craft (published in 1947 by American Handicraft Co., Inc HOW-TO-DO-IT BOOK).

When I first saw it, I paid barely any attention to it and little did I realize the gem that it contained. Within this little booklet of felted accessories, boleros, and suspenders! there is the "Legend of the Origin of Felt." This story is definitely worth the read - and needs to be read in a slightly historical accent . . .It's quite verbose and uses language from the 40's but I love it! (Even if it is historically inaccurate).

Now that you have read it, all I can say is "and lo!"

Don't you want a set of spiffy suspenders? "Worn with all types of dresses . ." I hope they were refering to the belts :) Although, that would be quite the fashion statement. I like the one with the hearts on it.

Such a cute/quirky book. I can't wait to see what the other books have within their faded covers!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Minty Booties and Hat

One of the ladies from the store is having her first grandchild arrive in the next week or two! She has been knitting a set for the new arrival - ( Anne Norling's Infant Set II by Heather Finch). She has been working like mad to finish the sweater to match and needed some help getting the hat and booties finished to match. I've just completed the booties and the hat for her. It's a pretty cute set although I think the hat might be a bit big  - but at least the child will grow into it!

I always tend to make at least a 1 year size when I make baby presents. My theory is that everyone always gives them the little sizes because they are so cute. So then the parent has a ton! of small clothes but after 9 months, they need to go out and buy new ones. So I always try to knit a larger size so that it's there when they need it.

At the store, ladies always say they will knit the next size up, because, "by the time that they get to finishing it up, the baby will be the next size." There is something to that logic! I think my problem is more that I start with great enthusiasm and then after the challenge is over, I start to not be interested - then I just have to power through. Still fun because it's knitting, but not as much fun as picking the yarn and then casting on!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Felicity Scarf & Cowl Projects

Today I found out that my book from Universal Yarns is available for pre-order! I'm so excited!

The booklet is featuring 3 patterns that I designed out of Universal Yarns' Felicity and Eden Silk. Felicity is a ribbon yarn that has just a touch of wool - it comes in fabulous colors! Eden Silk is a 75/25 wool & silk blend that is wonderfully soft! I would like to use Eden Silk again for more designs as it is a delight to work with.

I will show more photos later, once I've got leaflets together.