Monday, April 23, 2012

April Knitting

For the last 6 weeks I have been working on quite a few patterns that are to be release from different publications for fall! It has been a very busy and long 6 weeks but well worth the effort. I would never complain about being this busy - it's been wonderful but now that I am done . . it's almost a weird sense of relief. I think mostly about getting everything done on time. One of the projects turned out to be even better than I thought it would be in my imagination and has since inspired way too many designs that I just want to start now! Since these patterns are coming out for fall, I haven't been able to share any photos with you but no worries, now that I am working on some of my own stuff, there will be photos :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

5,4,3,2,1 . . .take off??!?

I was just reading Alex Tinsley's other blog and I saw her doing the "5,4,3,2,1 things" from the Craftzine series. I figured if she could "indulge her narcissism a little" then I could too! :)

One Project You Are Particularly Proud Of:

1. Honestly, it's normally the project that I just finished (on time). I have a wee tendency to have a lot of things on the go. I just like to be busy - I hate downtime as I don't really know quite what to do with myself. I have always worked better if there is a deadline for what I am working on, if not it seems to take second fiddle to whatever project will make the world end if it's not done on time. Although if we are just talking about a specific project, I am quite proud of my Winterside.

Two Mistakes You've Made in the Past:

1. Taking too many things on at once! I'm getting better at this or perhaps I'm just getting faster at completing things?!?!

2. Not giving myself enough time to finish things. I will always get things done - it just might mean I haven't slept in quite a few days. Like I always joke - there is no rest for the wicked.

Three Things That Make Your Work Unique:

1. I'm always willing to try new things, techniques etc. Only that way can you find whether or not something works for you. (wow, that sentence was very yoda-esque).

2. I have a sight tendancy towards anal retentive, type A action going on. Sometimes this is good, sometimes this is bad. Generally means that I put a lot of effort into making things. On the other hand, if I deem it not to standards then it might sit there until it rots before I can deal with it.

3. I've often danced to beat of my own drum. I tend to not follow trends and try to stick to things that I would like to wear and own.

Four Tools You Love To Use:

1. Addis! I love these needles. They are worth their weight in gold. It's truly one of those things where you can't say anything until you try them! . . . and then find out that when you knit with other needles it makes you sad.

2. KnitKit! For once all of my knitting accessories are in one spot and I don't have to tear the entire house apart to literally find the proverbial darning "needle in a haystack." David is quite happy with this advancement in technology as he is now not finding needles with the bottom of his feet or on the sofa :)

3. Tailorform Beading Needles! I absolutely love how crazy small these needles are. I repair a lot of cashmere sweaters and I can't possibly imagine using another needle. Why would you use a needle bigger than the stitches you are working on!?

4. Kitchen Scale! I know that sounds totally weird but the ability to weigh your yarn to know what you have left is an amazing thing. Especially since kitchen scales are so accurate. I think it also lets me be somewhat neurotic about how much knitting I've done or still have left to do . . see I only have to knit 35 grams a night for the next 28 days and I will get it done on time! oh Lord . . .

Five Inspirations:

1. Nature. I grew up in the Kootenays where nature and beauty abound. I never appreciated it until I moved to Alberta where the land is flat and is inspiring in a totally different way. I do occasionally miss the mountains, but the part I miss the most is the lake (a nature made, glacier fed, not man-made lake with real fish.) Not that I'm picky or anything :)

2. Yarn inspires me - yes, this is a cop out answer. I love yarn. 'Tis the way it is. Every season, ordering with the reps and seeing all the new stuff, is like being a junkie and having the drug dealer come around with every known substance available. All I want to do is hide in my knitting room and draw / knit until either my fingers bleed or my head explodes from too many ideas. I think I exhibit signs of ADHD when it comes to knitting - Startitis, as the Yarn Harlot calls it, doesn't even touch the surface.

3. People. I meet so many people every day. It's really neat because they want to make something and either bring in an idea or a picture or a wordy discription. For things that are not readily available patterns, this is my chance to get creative. Often I will develop patterns after someone will say, "I want to make something like . . . . "

4. Color and Texture. This mostly directly relates to #2. Sometimes yarn is just way too beautiful to be left alone! I do love a good single ply yarn and a 2 ply and  .  . . well you get the idea. Typically I enjoy monocromatic color combinations but often am taken by surprise with a beautiful uncommon combination. Also, I do love a good trip to the Ikea!

5. I'd have to agree Alex with the internet. There is so much inspiration and information (both useful and not). I love that there is the ability to find the answer to a question with just a quick click of a button!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend

As if this chocolate sheep is not just the most amazing thing ever! I love him so much. It took me forever to snap a photo so I had to wait over a week to eat him! Then I just couldn't resist his happy little demeanor and compulsively marched myself downstairs so I could later devour him with far too much enthusiasm. I'm working on quite a few projects that I can't share online because they will be coming out for fall otherwise I would have at least a million and one photos to share with you. My parents are here to visit for Easter Weekend and I've recruited Madge to help me knit up all these samples. I can't wait to have everything in the mail and done :)
Madge is quite taken with the fat hares that we have living in the court yard - and they are pretty cute if I do say so myself! I would say Happy Easter but that kinda sounds weird. So I will say have a great weekend!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring? has sprung!

I am spending the day working on submissions - for the future and present ones. I have 5 projects that have to be done in the next 3 weeks and it's definitely cutting it close!! I can't wait to show you the finished results. Some of these designs have been in the works for years, just now are seeing the light of day and becoming real.

I was so excited to see that the tree in front of our building has started to grow leaves again - it makes me feel like there is a bit of hope that the sun will return to us and it will be warm again. This winter has been a mild one but definitely long enough for me!