Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Side Adventure

Today is my day off! I originally was going to spend the day knitting on a design that I am working on but then Diana mentioned yesterday about Jelly - Modern Doughnuts. It's the first gourmet doughtnut place in Calgary. So I had to put the knitting down for a minute and run out just long enough to find this new pâtisserie. Not only are they creating amazing treats, their doughnuts are made with organic and locally sourced ingredients. They also use environmentally friendly packaging.      

I bought clockwise from the top left: Marshmallow, B-52,
Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla, Coconut, and their most amazing (and top seller!) Maple Bacon.  The Maple Bacon doughnut was amazing! When you first hear about the Maple Bacon, instantly not pleasant things pop up in your mind. But then you hear that the maple icing is more like a glaze and that the bacon is locally sourced (Vablella Meats). Still, the sound of those two flavours together, when they seem so completely opposite, is a bit strange! I only bought one, but I should have bought two - turns out that they are really yummy! Now that I have amazing snacks to devour, I can concentrate on designing my baby sweater!