Thursday, March 29, 2012

Calgary Herold Article

I arrived to work and found a copy of the Calgary Herold Neighbour's section. Last week, Diana and I met with Claire Young and chit chatted about the craze that is the ruffle scarf. Everyone has been making these scarves and their popularity is just growing and growing.

The table is showing (from bottom to top) - Frill Seeker, Frill Seeker, Triana Lux, Phildar Tango, Rozetti Spectra, Frill Seeker. I am wearing the Frill Seeker knit sideways and Diana is wearing the Starry Night. I was knitting with the Katia Triana and Diana was knitting with the new Twisted from Frill Seeker.

We showed Clair how easy it was for anyone to make and that we had even taught non-knitters to make a ruffle scarf. It is amazing that every generation seems to like them - from tweens to the elderly. Not very many things affect the knitting world in a way that is multigenerational. Looking back, it feels very much like the eyelash yarn craze from quite a few years ago!

They have been promising quite a few interesting ones for fall - I guess we'll just have to wait and see what is new & fab!

I was so stoked to have a shout out about my designing and my website!

Here is a link to the article.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

CPO presents The Red Violin

I went to the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra last night for one of their Rush Hour Series Presentations - The Red Violin. It was amazing! I've loved this movie since I was a child and always enjoyed the music - I even have the soundtrack. (Is that dorky enough for you ?!?) If you haven't seen the movie, rent it! I always leave things like this very inspired and feeling like I could knit or create until my fingers bled. I was reading through their booklet of upcoming performances and found this little piece:

Recipe for Success

1 Cup of Vision
2 Cups of Collaboration
1 Package of Investment
3/4 Cup of Passion
1 Tbs. of Spice
Dash of Unconventionality


Ensure all ingredients are fresh. Combine in large bowl and stir gently with imagination ad enthusiasm. Bind with support. Bake at 350F  for 1 hour until creativity bubbles over or desired success is achieved. Serves the whole community.

Kinda dorky but also kinda true, n'est pas?